Friday, October 12, 2012

That's Bulshit - Wi-Fi

show your pride
Wi-Fi network is the 21th century gimmick, everyone use it from device like tablets, video game consoles and of course computers. It is soooo convenient just to connect to your modem without having any cables roaming around the floor, isn't it ?!

Well guess again, because sometimes it just start to glitch up and gives you so much fun and entertainment. For instance it took me a total of 16 minutes to post the latest rant on my profile, not only that but since i'm using a bottom of the barrel net book to do the job. I guess I should upgrade my equipment for this to work properly eh ?

exactly what happened...
Wrong answer I mean I'm paying to have a connection that's supposed to go one million miles/per hour but instead I got a connection that makes me think my modem is located in freaking New Delhi which is about on the other side of the earth. So what you do naturally you try your best fixing the connection and even do all the nerd things you were taught too in those creepy situations... Results an epic fail by the way.

Little later you even call a priest to exorcise the demon that possesses your modem but even him can't do anything nor the Ghostbusters.    It is just something that's beyond human mind. So naturally I pretty much gave up, restarted the computer and gave it a try once more... Guess what it worked but only after 10 minutes, one coffee (yeah I like coffee)and a bunch of ciggys to ease the stress. So I moved on wrote another rant because I thought the last one was just cursed and couldn't be published.... I hate Wi-Fi since then !

Jeez, little piece of advice buy some PLC plugs, get this thing plugged to your box and quit using wi-fi because That's Bullshit! 

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