Friday, October 12, 2012

That's Bullshit - Cat piss

the asshole
Rise and shine ! it's the morning and yet you feel like this day couldn't get any better than that, but of course something has to spoil it and make your blood boil to the highest temperature there is !

Look it's 6am you just woke up and got dressed to get some coffee/tea or whatever suits you ! while stepping into the kitchen you just happen to walk into your cat's piss ! With socks on of course !

So what happens next you chase his little furry ass all around the house just to take that assface into the yellow mark that is now rotting in front of your Nespresso ! But hey look what's there another cat piss and since your left sock is already soaked up with it I guess the other one has to. Only this time the battle is won by your cat as you slip like into some banana peel and bam you're toothless....
yeah the cup of coffee you're not gonna get

Of course that ain't the worst part of it, that furry bastard is just like two meters away from you on the staircase like "got you asshole". And he's right to do so because now that you have both socks bathing in piss and miss one tooth you just don't feel like fighting back ! not to mention you have to wipe the mess, clean off your feet and finally it's time to get co..... oh shit it's already time to go.

So you curse the furry thing that you dare calling a cat - which stands for Catastrophic Ass Troop- and get to work without having that cop of coffee you wanted to drink.

Now that's Bull..... Oh wait no it's C.A.T piss


  1. hahahahahaha Nice!

  2. Don't know don't have cats - but that is the reason :) Nice one D, keep it going that way :)
