Sunday, October 14, 2012

Movie Review - Alone in the Dark

Alone in the dark is the precursor of survival horror genre when it comes to gaming, but even to this day it's stay very obscure and you have to dig up a little further in the past to find this game.

So naturally it had a movie made about it, weird because by the time that movie was released no one gave a shit about Alone in the Dark anymore but still just like the godawful Resident Evil movies this one is terribly bad. Someone has to bear the responsibility for this piece of crap - no other than just the guy that fucks up every franchise Uwe Boll.

Everything the guy touches turn into a visual abomination and he's considered to be the worst director in film history heck even Asylum movies produces better films than this miserable douchebag. But let's get back to the film itself.

Here we hear of the Abkani tribe that walked the earth more than ten thousand years ago,all of that in an introduction that last just forever and takes about three minutes of the film. What's lolesque about it, just that it takes forever to introduce the story but throughout the movie itself nothing is explained.

They just simply got nothing right with this movie and you just find yourself sitting in front of something that is so poorly executed you wanna take your eyeballs off. Honestly this is the absolute worse performance of Christian Slater ever and I can understand why Tara Reid is bad because she just plain sucks but not Slater.... And the action scenes, soooo exquisite you actually can have a seizure watching those flickering lights over and onver again.
Bottom Line : This movie just sucks but hey what did you expect it's one of those I don't give a fuck about source material give me the money.

1 comment:

  1. god that looks horrible im a horror movie addict but i dont think i could even want to watch that movie to say i have ~shudders~ nice review
