Friday, October 12, 2012

Hollywood that memory killer - Files

Hollywood that memory killer - Files

Lately it seems the whole cinema industry fell into 0 creativity by doing so many remakes and is even considering more remakes of 80-90's movies, why because they want our fucking money that's why !

I mean I get it, if a movie were awesome you should redo it but the whole remake gimmick is getting old real quick since there's already lots of remake out nowadays 
Let's take a look at the remake that should have never been out nor never been considered for an upcoming remake through this TOP 5

1 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 

The turtles on a concept art looks slick though
This takes the cake ! they simple take everything in our childhood and what made it awesome wipe their shitty ass with it and toss it into these damn fucking Toilets.

Where do I begin, first of all it ain't Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but just Ninja Turtles well ok seems like a minor complain but here's the shitsucker people ! They aren't fucking Mutant anymore but damn aliens, not only that but it was rumored that the headbands will disappear too ! I mean what where they thinking it's so full of shit that I'm forced to close my mouth or else doodoo will fall from it !

Turtles Forever, that was awesome
I ain't the only one picking on it because even the actor that voiced Michaelangelo in the 2007 TMNT movie went as far as saying they're sodomizing the franchise ! I haven't said it but if the actor that plays the most coolest turtle did you gotta listen to him. 

Not only that but you know who's involved into the project ? Take a wild guess ! Of course Micheal Bay the guy that already butchered Transformers is back and he's gonna fuck up one of the most highest nostalgic value once more !

2. Flight of the Navigator

original visual
Ohhhh Alright that's good now take a movie that not many people have seen and mostly don't give a fuck about and make a remake, are they serious with this. Now you gotta understand that this movie was a bucket of balls back then and what sucked then must surely suck now.

It doesn't mean that it's gonna be bad or anything but that surely is a terrible choice to make such movie at least when you do a remake make a good use of it. For instance use a movie that hasn't aged like milk and that people remember about ! 

Other than that your kids might like the original movie even though the execution is made real silly.

3. Short Circuit

It's only rumored to be existing I know but it has grown very popular lately, my feelings are shared toward this one sure johnny 5 was a likable character but then again it doesn't need a remake.

The original movie wasn't neither bad or good it's your average 80's robot movie but shares some resemblances with Frankenstein monster as of the way they're brought to life, an electrical storm. Really I thought it was good as a kid but then again it was as a kid and from a 25 years old perspective it has aged a great deal, nothing much to say about this one NEXT !

4. Total Recall

The movie is out there now and it's pretty good I think although it only shares the name with it's predecessor and really if the title wasn't total recall i'd be okay with this but since it's named that way that's a different story !

Why because there's fucking nothing to do with the original Verhoeven's version of it they're completely different, except references are made from time to time in the movie.

Bottom line the execution is pretty good, and it's actually a very decent movie but it has no relation with the original movie so in a way it just feel like it's a total recall wannabe and just share the same name so that people would go to cinemas to see this flick.

5. Robocop

Oh my goodness they dare touching the metal cop by doing a remake, from what I understand the script is going to be pretty damn lame according to what Drew McWeeny from hitfix said about the movie and supposedly had the script in his hands.

It really feels like unnecessary remake considering the original is a true classic in the science fiction genre. the original was a satyr and a pretty goodly executed one about Capitalism, politics and media which doesn't really add up to nowadays climate since it has already been done to death. So to make something original they supposedly will land Robocop on terrorist base so he just can fuck them all. Jeez that's good man ! now it downright sucks and even though i'm picking on this movie now it's because I have seen the unholy picture you see on your left which basically says fuck you I take your childhood and burn it to crisp !

It's ridiculous it's like Batman and Iron man had a child together and decided to abandon him what's wrong with the original suit, and as I discussed it with a friend of mine he said well the Iron Man armor is not too impressive without CG and i said man i'm cool with it but it's not freaking Iron Man it's damn Robocop the original one never needed CG to look classy it just did period !

Bottom line : Hollywood get a sense of creativity it is becoming an emergency now, but where's the emergency for you getting as many money you can get by relying on a name or create exclusive new content that will satisfy your audience ? 

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