Wednesday, October 10, 2012

That's Bullshit - Price in Ireland

Not many of you knew that because I ain't spilling my life all over mostly, but I lived in Ireland for quite a while.

What arose from this is a sore observation, and my ass remembers it as clear as day light rises. The pricing in Ireland is just Godawful, no it's worse than that it's Satan awful see for example I'm a smoker and guess what a 20 pack Marlboro cigs is freaking expensive, I could go watch a movie at cinemas for this kinda bucks ! If you make conversion from Euro to Dollar it's almost 15$ a pack ! Fuckkkk me !

And you think that it prevented me for smoking of course not, but other than it's ridiculously high and I wonder how people manage to live peaceful life being robbed by every store there, the only thing that is cheap enough worth buying is the clothing, yeahhhhh that's right you can fully clothe yourself for about 20 € whilst a fucking coke bottle cost something around 2,50 € which is something like 3$20.

Oh and of course get this, I had a surgery that needed to be done immediately as in life threatening disease yet it is supposed to be cheaper than the United States, right ?! RIIIIIIGHT ? But no it costs me something around 2500 bucks to get that surgery done, fucking assholes !

Yet with all those troubles that occurred I still enjoyed being there and I think you should give it a try, but remember do not even think about it if you're sick or something because you're gonna get day raped. So here's a good advice, bring your own stuff buy the strict minimum because That's Bullshit !

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