Monday, October 15, 2012

Game Review - Resident Evil

cover that has nothing to do with the game whatsoever
Whether you call it Biohazard or Resident Evil this series has left its mark upon gaming industry, most gamers nowadays seems not to remember the first one neither have played it Which is a bummer, not really though I mean you can still go and play the newer games even though you've never played the original but hey might as well take a dive into past to fetch the info.

So what's Resident Evil, it's a goddamn survival horror game where not only you could pick one characters but two,each has their own weakness and for example if you pick Chris Redfied you start off with basically nothing else but a knife, but he's pretty tough and can take a lot of damage. And the other choice being Jill Valentine a foxy lady which has the real advantage of giving you the gun immediately when you start - pretty convenient huh ? - but she also can't take much as Chris does.

Killing zombies you're doing it wrong !
So when did this fabulous game came out, the response is as early as 1995 in Japan, 1996 elsewhere. But good god this game was advertised to be one of the most violent game there was back then and to be honest it doesn't come any closer to being the most violent. But yet since the scenery is pretty claustrophobic there was an insane atmosphere to it and you felt kinda scared sometimes. Not only that but you had to deal with countless enemies, from regular zombies to trap, heck even crows wanted your skin on that mansion.

yep that's more like it :D
So what are you doing in a freaking mansion where zombies are crawling all over the place ? You're a special racoon city police force known as S.T.A.R.S and you were on an investigation about this manor and events that occured throughout the city like disappearing persons and all kind of weird stuff.
All the elements in there makes you think about a good horror movie, I mean the plot is full of turn around and can easily surprise you while the action is intense not to mention the zombies that keeps attacking you.

There's one flaw to it and every gamer that has ever laid their hand on that game knows what I'm talking about these are the goddamn camera angles...that stuff wasn't funny at all and sometimes made it almost impossible to navigate !
Bottom line, this game is pretty good and will give you thrills for some hours, really a good experience, while saying this I also gotta announce that this review is a part of my Halloween special there'll be all six of Resident Evil Game Reviewed along with the movies (even the shitty ass ones).

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