Saturday, October 13, 2012

Movie Review - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

I simply love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, now if you're from the same generation as I am you probably love em too and you're right to do so ! they're just icons of what the 80's and 90's were just a peaceful period of your life with no hard choices.

But too bad they had to screw it up too, now remember turtles were everywhere by that time and the two first movies were out already - they were real good btw- and it set our expectations very high for
the third one. But we got instead is a major kick in the nuts, not only it sucked but since it came out we had to wait 14 years to get another T.M.N.T movie.

Why does it suck so hard ? One fatal flaw that ruins everything, explain to me how the fuck you time travel from New York and end up in ancient Japan ?! That just doesn't make sense at all. Not only that but look at the turtle themselves they don't even look like turtles but more like toads...Even Splinter looks like shit.

So what's the plot, simple the turtles are time travelling because that ginger April brought an ancient Japanese lantern and our fours beloved reptiles ends up in ancient Japan - we already established it's weird and fucked up - but say the cliché is about to get a little topped up now since they're now dressed as Samouraïs (Is that seriously what directly comes to mind when you think about Japan seriously ?)

But forget about the plot, and focus on the action. The least you can say is that it's real cheesy and I know this was meant for kids but for mankind sake do they really had to pull those jokes like the most famous one :

Bottom Line : everything is said into this trailer.....It's bad and should be qualified for one of the worst movie sequel of all time and of course the worst TMNT experience that has ever been put on film.

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