Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Castlevania NES - Game Review

Castlevania has been one of the most valuable nostalgic values of all times when it comes to gaming, so I assumed it was about time to look back and dive in.

So here it is, you're Simon Belmont and your goal is to destroy the curse that rules eastern Europe and precisely located in Transylvania, Dracula's Castle which is known as Castlevania in the franchise. And be ready for the battle because it's a pretty big castle and if you're set on your mind of beating the game you'd better take a day off and order some pizza, just saying

Not to mention it's one of the toughest NES games on existence, all that because of one simple thing that many consider a flaw - let me explain it every time you get hit your character jump backs causing silly deaths if you're near a pit. That's a flaw to me and i'll get pissed if the game weren't soooo good, actually everything in this game takes you right back when it made its way out in 1987 which happens to be more than twenty five years ago (just in case you can't count). Oh by the way don't be afraid of running out of life there's unlimited continues (hopefully) in this game so you can die from cheap deaths as many time you want.

Although NES standards in graphics and music weren't very high back then this game truly manage to deliver a solid experience of gaming with its graphic and music, a soundtrack so memorable I can still hear the music play into my head whenever I talk about that topic, least you can sayyyy is that it's catchy as hell even more so than the TMNT song (just kidding). So what else can you say about this game other than it defines literally the word classic and should definitely have the front picture of the cartridge right next to the word in a dictionary.

In conclusion, you need to get yourself your own idea but to me it is a true classic in every way and every time I play it feels like all this time hasn't passed and i'm the same kid playing its regular NES game on a daily basis

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