Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween Special : Resident Evil : Apocalypse

Ok let's make it simple, we all know how the first movie sucked major balls when it came out, but this one is no different than the other one just a tad better shit covered sandwich than the other ones.
You know what actually i'm being bitch tongue on that movie, it's pretty good there's finally characters from the video game YAY exactly what I expected to see within the shit stopper called Resident Evil (referring to the first movie here) so naturally I enjoyed this movie a little better than the previous one.

Music Time - Godsmack

Now that's serious shit here, Godsmack is sometimes considered to be one of the most awesome band in rock/metal genre. Is it really nah I don't think so 

Is it good, well just check out their latest album to date which is called The Oracle. Not only this album just rocks off your socks but it manages to give you this feeling of awesomeness and is the one album we expected to came out since they'd split up, so this album is like a family reunion and that to be said is some serious stuff right here.

Halloween Special : Resident Evil 2 Game Review

As a part of the reviews about the Halloween special, discover the 2nd game of the franchise. This one came out in 1998 on the Playstation and is considered to be the best of the whole series, it sure his a good game in any aspect of it anyway.

But let's take a closer look to see what makes it special, well first of all it's conveniently spread onto 2 discs for each character you can play as, not only that but the replay value is very high with this one considering there's a whole lot of things to discover.

That's Bullshit ! - Ikea

I bet all of you like Ikea's store, and you're right it's awesome ! you can find furniture at a real ridiculously low prices and all kind of things as well even weird Swedish food ! But on the other hand there's one fatal flaw to it.... oh and you all know what this is, nah ? 

Well if you don't here's how it works : Generally these stores are on two levels, ok that's nice but how is it nice when you only want to buy freaking forks and cups ? You have to walk through countless linear, pass through different things and then arrive to kitchen goods huh ?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

That's Bullshit - Coke

Just got back from work and of course you wanna relax after a balls busting day and since you're home that you just cleaned up the cat piss that gave you the headache and gum ache if you remember losing a tooth because you fell flat on your ass.
Now it's time to put some dvd and watch a good movie instead of well you know those lame movies,then comes the time you just wanna get something fresh that goes with the pizza you just got

Halloween Special : Resident Evil 4D Executer

Very recently I reviewed the first Resident Evil movie of the series which isn't really the first Resident Evil movie at all, in 2000 came another movie which is a short featured film about 20 minutes long.

Of course it's CG Animated and the graphics looks like shit when you look at it from 2012 perspective, but it's a thousand times more appealing to eye than the other shit sucker. For one thing it's made by Capcom who made the series so they know what they're talking about.

As we cut to the first scene we meet with the U.B.C.S (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service), their mission is to rescue a scientist named Dr Cameron that works for Umbrella corp, and of course they had to be sent in the middle of Racoon City where the fun are !

Halloween Special - Resident Evil the Movie

Yep I decided to follow the one game/one review gimmick. So naturally people would hear about from the game and the movies.

Now let me set up the scenery here, we're in 2001 when the announcement of this movie hits and we were hyped as hell because this series had grown so popular. The idea of making a Resident Evil movie came along very early, and it has been rumored a lot before it actually came out.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Game Review - Resident Evil

cover that has nothing to do with the game whatsoever
Whether you call it Biohazard or Resident Evil this series has left its mark upon gaming industry, most gamers nowadays seems not to remember the first one neither have played it Which is a bummer, not really though I mean you can still go and play the newer games even though you've never played the original but hey might as well take a dive into past to fetch the info.

That's Bullshit - Girls

Don't get mistaken by the title of this rant, I love women. There's something sweet about them that's just making our life easier than it actually is, but sometimes yeaaah sometimes it goes berserk and end-up getting our asses kicked like never before.

So here you are minding your own business when all the sudden you receive a text from a friend of yours, the guy's like your brother and you pretty much grew up with him, and he just simply asks to meet at the bar because you haven't seen him in looooooong time.

Movie - Review - Alone in the Dark 2

After they released their doom upon planet earth with the first movie, Alone in the Dark 2 came along yeah the sequel to that miserable piece of shit they called movie.

As we cut to the first scene we are now directly introduced into the action while the other one had a longer introduction - read the last review instead - but still it happens to be one of those what the fuck happens here kinda introduction. The first scene introduces three characters you won't even heard of in the whole movie as of saying "hey you're dead, but who cares". While some poke ass junkie get possessed by what seems to be an evil spurt huh sorry meant spirit here - I swear ?! -

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Movie Review - Alone in the Dark

Alone in the dark is the precursor of survival horror genre when it comes to gaming, but even to this day it's stay very obscure and you have to dig up a little further in the past to find this game.

So naturally it had a movie made about it, weird because by the time that movie was released no one gave a shit about Alone in the Dark anymore but still just like the godawful Resident Evil movies this one is terribly bad. Someone has to bear the responsibility for this piece of crap - no other than just the guy that fucks up every franchise Uwe Boll.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Movie Review - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

I simply love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, now if you're from the same generation as I am you probably love em too and you're right to do so ! they're just icons of what the 80's and 90's were just a peaceful period of your life with no hard choices.

But too bad they had to screw it up too, now remember turtles were everywhere by that time and the two first movies were out already - they were real good btw- and it set our expectations very high for

Movie Review - The Vindicator

It's a cryptic movie we have here,not only it is rare to find within the U.S.A but it failed so hard when it came out that it literally fell into oblivion.

The film was edited by Key Video, and during the 80's to early 90's they released all sort of movies but generally they stuck with the sci-fi and horror genre. Also this movie as an alternate title "Frankestein 2000"- come to think of it this is just a new way to bring the creature to life using now cybernetic

Friday, October 12, 2012

That's Bulshit - Wi-Fi

show your pride
Wi-Fi network is the 21th century gimmick, everyone use it from device like tablets, video game consoles and of course computers. It is soooo convenient just to connect to your modem without having any cables roaming around the floor, isn't it ?!

Hollywood that memory killer - Files

Hollywood that memory killer - Files

Lately it seems the whole cinema industry fell into 0 creativity by doing so many remakes and is even considering more remakes of 80-90's movies, why because they want our fucking money that's why !

I mean I get it, if a movie were awesome you should redo it but the whole remake gimmick is getting old real quick since there's already lots of remake out nowadays 
Let's take a look at the remake that should have never been out nor never been considered for an upcoming remake through this TOP 5

1 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 

The turtles on a concept art looks slick though
This takes the cake ! they simple take everything in our childhood and what made it awesome wipe their shitty ass with it and toss it into these damn fucking Toilets.

Where do I begin, first of all it ain't Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but just Ninja Turtles well ok seems like a minor complain but here's the shitsucker people ! They aren't fucking Mutant anymore but damn aliens, not only that but it was rumored that the headbands will disappear too ! I mean what where they thinking it's so full of shit that I'm forced to close my mouth or else doodoo will fall from it !

Turtles Forever, that was awesome
I ain't the only one picking on it because even the actor that voiced Michaelangelo in the 2007 TMNT movie went as far as saying they're sodomizing the franchise ! I haven't said it but if the actor that plays the most coolest turtle did you gotta listen to him. 

Not only that but you know who's involved into the project ? Take a wild guess ! Of course Micheal Bay the guy that already butchered Transformers is back and he's gonna fuck up one of the most highest nostalgic value once more !

2. Flight of the Navigator

original visual
Ohhhh Alright that's good now take a movie that not many people have seen and mostly don't give a fuck about and make a remake, are they serious with this. Now you gotta understand that this movie was a bucket of balls back then and what sucked then must surely suck now.

It doesn't mean that it's gonna be bad or anything but that surely is a terrible choice to make such movie at least when you do a remake make a good use of it. For instance use a movie that hasn't aged like milk and that people remember about ! 

Other than that your kids might like the original movie even though the execution is made real silly.

3. Short Circuit

It's only rumored to be existing I know but it has grown very popular lately, my feelings are shared toward this one sure johnny 5 was a likable character but then again it doesn't need a remake.

The original movie wasn't neither bad or good it's your average 80's robot movie but shares some resemblances with Frankenstein monster as of the way they're brought to life, an electrical storm. Really I thought it was good as a kid but then again it was as a kid and from a 25 years old perspective it has aged a great deal, nothing much to say about this one NEXT !

4. Total Recall

The movie is out there now and it's pretty good I think although it only shares the name with it's predecessor and really if the title wasn't total recall i'd be okay with this but since it's named that way that's a different story !

Why because there's fucking nothing to do with the original Verhoeven's version of it they're completely different, except references are made from time to time in the movie.

Bottom line the execution is pretty good, and it's actually a very decent movie but it has no relation with the original movie so in a way it just feel like it's a total recall wannabe and just share the same name so that people would go to cinemas to see this flick.

5. Robocop

Oh my goodness they dare touching the metal cop by doing a remake, from what I understand the script is going to be pretty damn lame according to what Drew McWeeny from hitfix said about the movie and supposedly had the script in his hands.

It really feels like unnecessary remake considering the original is a true classic in the science fiction genre. the original was a satyr and a pretty goodly executed one about Capitalism, politics and media which doesn't really add up to nowadays climate since it has already been done to death. So to make something original they supposedly will land Robocop on terrorist base so he just can fuck them all. Jeez that's good man ! now it downright sucks and even though i'm picking on this movie now it's because I have seen the unholy picture you see on your left which basically says fuck you I take your childhood and burn it to crisp !

It's ridiculous it's like Batman and Iron man had a child together and decided to abandon him what's wrong with the original suit, and as I discussed it with a friend of mine he said well the Iron Man armor is not too impressive without CG and i said man i'm cool with it but it's not freaking Iron Man it's damn Robocop the original one never needed CG to look classy it just did period !

Bottom line : Hollywood get a sense of creativity it is becoming an emergency now, but where's the emergency for you getting as many money you can get by relying on a name or create exclusive new content that will satisfy your audience ? 

That's Bullshit - Cat piss

the asshole
Rise and shine ! it's the morning and yet you feel like this day couldn't get any better than that, but of course something has to spoil it and make your blood boil to the highest temperature there is !

Look it's 6am you just woke up and got dressed to get some coffee/tea or whatever suits you ! while stepping into the kitchen you just happen to walk into your cat's piss ! With socks on of course !

Legend of Zelda - Game Review

Being a Zelda Fan from the very beginning of the series on famicom which is known as the NES is one of my favorite gaming memory.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Metal Gear - Game Review

I'm a Metal Gear Solid afficionados like an awful lot of people obviously but what we know now has been a whole different story back then.

See in 1989 there was a very popular game among gamers that have risen up from Konami and this one isn't quite the masterpiece we expected it to be. But here let me clear it out :

Batman&Robin - Movie Review

You thought you could get away with a not so good Batman Forever, well think again because on this unholy year of 1997 they brought back another Batman movie, a memorable one.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

That's Bullshit - Price in Ireland

Not many of you knew that because I ain't spilling my life all over mostly, but I lived in Ireland for quite a while.

That's Bullshit - Cellphones

We love those damn things through thick and thin yet there's sometimes a thing full of weirdness that occurs just ready to fuck our lives up !
Say whenever I pop my cellphone out my pocket I look dumb for one

Castlevania NES - Game Review

Castlevania has been one of the most valuable nostalgic values of all times when it comes to gaming, so I assumed it was about time to look back and dive in.

So here it is, you're Simon Belmont and your goal is to destroy the curse that rules eastern Europe and precisely located in Transylvania, Dracula's Castle which is known as Castlevania in the franchise. And be ready for the battle because it's a pretty big castle and if you're set on your mind of beating the game you'd better take a day off and order some pizza, just saying